Make your single name on FaceBook account.I don't think why people make signal name on facebook.who person need single name his not like father name this is your problem let's start make single name.
You need Indonesian proxy or vpn for change your real ip address to Indonesian.Download Here chrome extension Indonesian proxy.If you are online on Android mobile so Download Here Android apps.
You need Indonesian proxy or vpn for change your real ip address to Indonesian.Download Here chrome extension Indonesian proxy.If you are online on Android mobile so Download Here Android apps.
Let's start follow instruction
1:- Install on you chrome or android "Hola! Better Internet" Extension.
2:- If Installing finish Enable it and Change country to Indonesia.
3:- Now login on
4:-Change you FaceBook account Language to Bahasa Indonesia Language.
5:-Click on edit change name
6:-Write first name and leave middle name and keep empty last name box.
7:-Clikc on save change.
8:-Type password and confirm.
Done Enjoy Now.
If you can't successfully make your single name comment here OR join our FaceBook group we guide you.
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