If you're tired of seeing shared photo memes, silly facebook app and game posts, etc you need F.B. Purity. Its a browser extension that removes the annoying quiz messages and other silly app spam from your fb homepage. Leaving behind just the story types that you choose.

Click the blue text Below to Install F.B Purity for your browser.

F.B. Purity lets you hide the Suggested Posts / Related Posts / Sponsored Posts / Sponsored Stories / Upcoming Events / Games your Friends are playing / Games You May Like / Similar To / Related Articles / More Like / More From / Trending Topics etc...


Disable Autoplay Videos.
Remove Trending Topics.
Custom Text Filter - Hide Posts by Keywords / Phrases.

Be alerted when any of your friends remove or delete you from their friends list.

F.B. Purity can be used to display the Timeline in a single column.
You can expand the width of the news column in the newsfeed with FB Purity.

Revert Bubble Chat back to the Old Style Chat Interface.

Remove "Read an Article" / "Trending Articles" / "Trending Videos" / "Most Shared On" / "Recent Articles About".
Stops External Links and News links you click from being intercepted and tracked by Facebook.

Hide all Photos / Hide All Videos from the feed.

Hide the random images that show up on List pages (Friends and Interest Lists) and the Pages Feed page.
Hide the News Ticker / Hide the Chat Interface.

Hide the "Like Page" buttons that show up on shared items in the newsfeed.

Freeze the left hand column of the newsfeed in position.

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